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Last Updated: August 21, 2023

Figure Legal Requests Policy

Figure has established this policy for handling subpoenas and other legal requests for information (collectively, “Legal Requests”). We aim to balance our obligations to comply with legal process with our commitment to protecting confidential and protected data.

  1. Subpoena Inquiries and Communication: For inquiries and updates about a Legal Request, contact us at  Opens in a new window.. We aim to acknowledge the request within three (3) business days. Please do not use Figure customer support channels for such matters, as that may delay response.

  2. Authorized Legal Request Submission: Legal Requests will be accepted from authorized government agencies, law enforcement, and law firms.

  3. Response Time: We strive to respond promptly to properly issued and served Legal Requests. Due to the complexity of some requests, responses can take approximately 30-45 days. To expedite this process, limit your Legal Request to necessary records and provide uniquely identifying information.

  4. Legal Request Department Contact: For more information about Legal Request processing, email us at  Opens in a new window.. We aim to acknowledge the request within three (3) business days.

  5. Customer Information and Privacy: Figure is committed to protecting consumer privacy. We only release consumer information when required by law or to comply with legal process, as outlined in our Privacy Policy and in accordance with relevant laws.

  6. 'No Responsive Documents': If your response states 'no responsive documents,' it means that we found no relevant information in our records based on the information provided in the Legal Request.

  7. Fraud and Law Enforcement Investigations: Fraud and Law enforcement investigations should contact our Financial Crimes team at  Opens in a new window..

  8. Legal Request Address: Legal Requests should be directed to the correct Figure legal entity (, Figure Lending LLC) in full compliance with the law, as separate entities issue accounts.

  9. Figure Entity and Record Type: The type of records provided depends on the Figure entity listed on a Legal Request. For example, a subpoena issued to Figure Lending LLC will only yield documents for products corresponding to that entity.

  10. Multiple Figure Entities: If records for products corresponding to more than one Figure entity are required, the Legal Request must be directed separately to the appropriate entity.

  11. Levies and Garnishments: For Legal Requests involving fund turnovers such as a levy or garnishment, email your inquiry to  Opens in a new window. for processing.

  12. Customer Requests and Fraud Reporting: For assistance with your account or to report fraud, contact Figure at (888)-819-6388 or email  Opens in a new window. for fraud or  Opens in a new window. for account records.

  13. Submission of Litigation Documents: Do not send litigation documents via email. Comply with applicable service of process rules by sending these documents to Figure through the appropriate registered agent, CSC, following local, state, or federal guidelines.

Note that this policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our practices or laws. Regularly review this policy to stay updated.